Decided rather than selling it to give it to my sister. Granted, it has the frame issue, but that doesn't affect how it drives. Just means I might need to replace the driveshaft every 3-5 years. However, I'd been suspecting the head gasket for a while, hadn't driven it much, then drove it, and checked the oil, sure enough, now it's milky. So, I'm pulling the head and doing the head gasket. Got if off this weekend (jeeze that thing is heavy) and it's off to be checked and decked. Didn't see any clear break in the head gasket, nor do I see any sign of a crack in the head, but we'll see what the shop says when they check it. Here are pics of the current carnage:
535is Restoration
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Selling her
Decided that she's not the car for me. It's very sporty and solid, but these old cars just aren't relaxing on long trips. I have the 318is for sporty feel, and it's hard to bean a car that light, and I'm going to use the Benz as a long-trip/relaxing car, so this one really doesn't fit anymore.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Portland Bound
Heading to Portland Saturday morning to check out another potential's an illness. On the upside, I'll be driving the e28 as she's running well and I need to put some miles on her. So far she's more fun than the e34.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Finally solid
Got it back, turns out the transmission mounts I installed were the wrong kind. It was my first order and I spec'd it as an 88, so I don't blame BMA as they probably classified it as an e34. Also got the valves done right, and got some DIY instruction from the shop owner as I watched him do it. Apparently I was leaving them way too loose. Plus they spec .1 on the intake and .12 on the exhaust and I was doing .12 on both.
The tach and mpg gauge recently went out, and the trip computer has been dead since I got it, so there is probably a loose connection back there that I'll take care of soon.
Cost: $425
Runs well now. Still doesn't quite idle like I'd like it to, and there is a dip in power around 3k rpm, so I've got some fine tuning to do. I also need to get some miles on it to get the cobwebs out. She's finally solid enough that I can drive her regularly.
The Bilstein shocks are a little stiff for my tastes, so I'll be anxious to put the Koni's in soon. Here she is all buffed up:
Cost: $425
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Off to the shop
Replaced the center support and guibo, but the driveshaft still hit the cat. Decided to take it to a local shop as I have no comparison for an e28 to know if it's a driveline issue or an exhaust issue. The mechanic put it up on a lift and it appears clear that the exhaust is being held pretty high, which might be the main issue. It looks like the exhaust was welded with sagging motor mounts, now with proper mounts it's too high. He'll tinker on it a little and see if he can get a 2nd set of eyes on the tuning. I normally do this with most project cars just as a 2nd set of eyes to pickup anything I've missed. Hopefully I'll have it back in a day or two.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Sooooo close
Dropped the driveshaft this weekend to replace the center support bearing and guibo. The guibo probably didn't need it, but figured while I'm in there I should do it. Also plan to replace the shifter shaft seal and rear trans seal. Turns out the connector link on the driveshaft was loose, and the center support was sagging pretty badly, probably as a result of the loose connector.
While I have it off I also planned to do a complete shifter rebuild, as that's pretty much the only time you can get access to the bits needed to replace, when the driveshaft is out. Turns out the e28 shifter connector is different than the e30, which surprised me, so I had to leave it on jack stands and wait for the correct part to arrive. If I'm lucky it will be here on Friday (from BMA, they are super fast) and I'll get her on the road.
On the upside, it passed it's emissions test on the first try, which really surprised me. Cold start still isn't right, but other than that it seems to run ok, though in need of more tuning. Anxious to get it solid so I can drive it.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sure enough, replaced the steering linkage and the steering is perfectly smooth now. I did discover what the knocking noise was. The driveshaft has a grease fitting on it, and it's striking the heat shield. The driveshaft itself is iffy, so I'm going to check it out but probably pull the fitting out or dremmel it off, then plug it. That will allow me to drive the car for a little while. I'll plan on dropping the entire driveshaft later and doing a rebuild anyway. I'll have to pull it, because it appears that not only the rear main seal, but also the shifter seal are leaking on the tranny. Plus, I dropped a Z3 shift lever in it, and I need to get in there and replace the front shifter support bushing, which requires removal of the driveshaft anyway.
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